Vehicle Bug Sweeps

Top View of Vehicles — Private Investigator in Newcastle, NSW

For a long time, GPS devices have been used for the purpose of asset protection and fleet management. These devices can provide employers & businesses with invaluable data and security when it comes to logistics, driver behaviour, fuel usage, maintenance schedules and employee safety.

GPS devices that are used by businesses are usually installed professionally, by being hardwired into the vehicle (car battery) or connected via the vehicles on board diagnostic (OBD) port. Businesses are obligated to inform the employees operating those vehicles that they are being tracked. Providing the GPS technology is being used as per the relevant state’s legislation, they can be a powerful tool for the business to help maximise efficiency and promote employee safety.

Unfortunately, there is the dark side to GPS devices where they are used to track people illegally. GPS devices that are used for illegal purposes are relatively cheap, usually magnetic or attached to a vehicle with velcro or double-sided tape and installed on an easily accessible part of the vehicle.

During my time as a Private Investigator, I have learned that many people have GPS tracking devices attached to their vehicle without even knowing it. Some motivations for people fitting GPS tracking devices to other persons vehicles can range from a suspicious spouse, divorce proceedings, victims of stalking/harassment and domestic violence situations.

Several states within Australia have strict laws that prohibit anyone being tracked without their express or implied consent. If your state prohibits the use of GPS devices to track people, the penalty can be a significant fine or a term of imprisonment.

Below you will find a table that outlines in which states it is legal/illegal to track someone with a GPS tracking device.

State Legal/illegal to track someone without their knowledge.
New South Wales
illegal to track someone without their knowledge.
Legal or no reference to GPS tracking.
Legal or no reference to GPS tracking.
Northern Territory
illegal to track someone without their knowledge.
Western Australia
illegal to track someone without their knowledge.
South Australia
illegal to track someone without their knowledge
illegal to track someone without their knowledge.
Legal or no reference to GPS tracking.

If you suspect that your vehicle may have an illegal GPS tracking device fitted, don’t hesitate to contact Hide and Seek Investigations from a safe space to discuss your situation. Don’t tell any other person about the call to us, as it may alert the perpetrator.

Hide and Seek Investigations will take the time to understand the background of your situation to develop an appreciation what level of threat you may be facing. Should you wish to proceed with a bug sweep of your vehicle, Hide and Seek Investigations will carry out RF detection, thermal imaging analysis and a thorough fingertip search of the vehicle.

Should an illegal GPS device be located during the sweep, we will discuss with you what the best strategy would be moving forward.

Don’t hesitate to contact Hide and Seek Investigations if you suspect your vehicle has had a GPS tracking device fitted without your permission.

GPS Tracking Device — Private Investigator in Newcastle, NSW

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